This is the first step for your prayer group to adopt an unreached people group. Our hope is that committed prayer for one group will result in you receiving God’s heart for that group of people.
Once you send in your application, we'll email you some brief training materials. After you and your team review the materials, you'll be eligible to adopt an Unreached People Group.
We will then follow up with your prayer team to connect you with a team working on the ground with that UPG! The expectation is for you to have a contact person from your prayer team that will commit to communicating with the "on the ground team" working with your UPG. This communication could be once a week or once a month. By opening the communication channel between the prayer team (you) and the field team, we hope to see more fruit among the UPG that's adopted!
Please give your Prayer Team's Contact Person's email address below. We'll use this to continue the registration process, send periodic updates about this initiative, and share this email with a field worker. We recommend you not use a Hotmail or Yahoo address for security reasons; Gmail or Hushmail are preferred or other secure address.
Please be assured that the information you provide in this form is totally secure and WILL NOT be shared with any other parties.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form!