I, the undersigned, as patient, spouse or legal guardian, hereby authorise Dr. A Khan and his accounts department who is in possession of information concerning my medical diagnosis and treatment,
together with my health and personal particulars to disclose such information to my Healthcare Funder and other Healthcare Providers.
I further wish to indicate that such permission to disclose such information is only for the purpose of treatment and management of my medical condition.
I, the undersigned, as patient, spouse or legal guardian, hereby authorise Dr. A Khan and his accounts department who is in possession of information concerning my medical diagnosis and treatment,
together with my health and personal particulars to disclose such information to my Healthcare Funder and other Healthcare Providers.
I further wish to indicate that such permission to disclose such information is only for the purpose of treatment and management of my medical condition.
I, the understanding, hereby agree to the following:
Agree to pay accounts received within 30 days should my medical aid default or should I be a private patient. I undertake to be liable for all legal costs as between attorney and client as well
as tracing, collection and administration fees received by the above patient. The practice reserves the right to charge for appointments not cancelled within 24hrs. I testify that all the information is
correct and understrand that this statement constitutes a binding agreement.
I, the understanding, hereby agree to the following:
Agree to pay accounts received within 30 days should my medical aid default or should I be a private patient. I undertake to be liable for all legal costs as between attorney and client as well
as tracing, collection and administration fees received by the above patient. The practice reserves the right to charge for appointments not cancelled within 24hrs. I testify that all the information is
correct and understrand that this statement constitutes a binding agreement.