REGISTRATION DETAILS : UBOSA registration has different options and verous categories, select where you best fit and fill in the registration details.
- category one registration : These are for individuals who just want to be a member and attend seminars and other eventd organise by the organisation, they don't attend tutorial classes. These individuals pay registration fees of 1 000 F CFA for 2018/2019 academic year.
- category two registation : These are for individuals who are members of the organisation, they attend seminars and other events of the organisation and require attestation or certificate for for each seminar or event attended. they do not take part in tutorial classes. They pay a registration fees of 2 000 F CFA.
- category three registration : These are individuals who want to be members of the organisation, they attend seminars and other events but do not reuire certificate or attestation, they attend tutorial classes and required soft copies test books as prescribed by their lecturers with video lectures. They pay a registration fees of 2 500 F CFA .
- category four registration : These are individuals who want to be a member, they attend seminars or events of the organisation and require certificate or attestation, attend tutorial classes and require soft copies text books as prescribed by their lecturer. They pay registration fees of 3 000 F CFA.