Application for Membership – Procedures
1. Prospective new applications are required to have a Proposer and Seconder, who
should be personally known to the applicant for at least two years, and who have
themselves been members for at least two full years. The Proposer and Seconder are
required to sign the applicants Membership Form.
2. A passport sized photograph and a copy of your ID must be attached to the
Membership Form.
3. This form will be displayed on the Club notice board for a period of two weeks. A
temporary membership card, valid for 30 days, will be issued and you may use all the
Club facilities. After the display period the application will be at the next General
Committee meeting.
4. Prospective new members who are not known to any Ordinary Members must
please arrange with the Membership Secretary to be introduced to two members of
the Membership Committee who will meet with the applicant and approve the
5. Once the application has been approved by the General Committee, new members
will be required to attend a new membership induction meeting where you will be
presented with a `new members pack` and briefed on all other information about
the Club. Your attendance at this induction meeting is considered to be compulsory.
These meetings are held once a month.
6. By clicking submit you hereby give the club permission to add you to the weekly newsletter list.
Aproved : Commodore Approved: Vice commodore
Date: Date: