Please consider that donating a small amout helps us keep this service active. It is a mission field of an unusual kind that you can be a part of. Through this portal we minister to people around the world from all walks of life. Both to Believers and Non-Believers who are seeking answers.
Benevolent donations helps make it possible for us to dedicate more time to this online resource and help others like you to hear from God through their dreams using this service.
You wouldn't hesitates to open their wallet for a Starbucks! For the daily spend on your venti, double-shot, caramel, skinny latte caffeine fix your donation could instead change someone else's life forever.
Some may feel that we ought not to ask for a donation at all but, we're asking you to place more value on your dreams than your coffee! It's about priority isn't it?
Remember: When you make something possible for others, God turns possibilities into realities for you!